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hello and welcome
some of our costumers are facing this problem while they try to activate there windows 10 pro but they receive an error message ending by 0xc004f050.
so, don’t panic this error is simply because you are using for example windows 10 pro activation key on windows home version , so what you need to do is to just upgrade your windows from home to pro then you can activate your pro version with the purchased key.
Free windows upgrade from Home to Pro version
so first of all let’s see ” how can we upgrade from windows 10 home version to pro version:
before you starting the upgrade process please disconnect you computer from internet
1- Go to your computer setting by clicking right click on “This PC or My computer” and chose properties.
2- settings tab will show up “or it my be a little different ” .So chose change product key ” the option may be different but the propose is to open windows activation tab .

After that, “while the internet is disconnected” insert the following upgrade key DONT USE THE KEY YOU BOUGHT FROM US TO UPGRADE,JUST SAVE IT FOR ACTIVATION AFTER UPGRADE use the following key to upgrade:
Windows 10 Pro upgrade key:
other Windows 10 Pro Product Key Free-Upgrade

after the upgrade is done ,reboot your computer and connect it to the internet .
Activate your windows 10/11 Pro
**now you have windows upgraded to pro version but not activated .
to activate it you only need to get your license key for windows 10 pro version using link bellow
Windows 10 pro activation key
so now you can directly use your activation key .
and there you have it your computer is upgraded and activated .
thank you